

    Reading this morning about freshwater mussels (surprise!) in four contexts:

    1. This short documentary about what Urban Rivers is doing with floating gardens in Chicago. They’ve made some habitat for one of the hardier species of unionid mussels native to the river. Did you know that some mature mussels can filter 20 gallons of water a day? Here in Sioux Falls I want to restore our river. Organizations like Urban Rivers can be a good inspiration for what we might do here. If this appeals to you, I suggest making a donation to Friends of the Big Sioux River. They do a lot of good work on a tiny budget.
    2. David Strayer’s Freshwater Mussel Ecology: A Multifactor Approach to Distribution and Abundance Strayer recognizes that ecologists often explain distribution in terms of general factors but without much quantification and precision. His book attempts to describe “a literal, quantitative prediction of the distribution and abundance of individual species.” (p. 6) Mussels are easy to overlook and often hard to find. They can be found in water that is still or fast-moving, clear or murky, shallow or deep. They might be embedded in sunken logs, deep in the benthos (the substrate at the bottom of a body of water), or wedged into the cracks of bedrock. And they might be in places where the current, or predators like alligators and snapping turtles make it perilous for biologists to seek them by diving an sticking their hands into dark places underwater! So I’m enjoying reading about other ways of modeling where they might be found.
    3. Suetonius' Lives of the Caesars, especially the section on Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar is remembered for many things, but if you click that link and then search for “pearl” you’ll see some of the ways mussels appealed to him. You might be thinking “Don’t pearls come from oysters?” Yes, they do. But they can also come from many other mollusks that have nacreous shells, including snails. Some freshwater mussels are called margaritiferidae, from Latin words that mean “pearl-bearing.” They are among the most threatened of the unionid freshwater mussels. The nacre inside unionid mussel shells is what many contemporary shirt buttons imitate, harking back to a century ago when we harvested mussels by the tons out of our rivers to turn them into pearly shirt buttons. Our quest for fashion did tremendous harm to the health of our rivers and left us with much dirtier water. Suetonius points out that Julius Caesar also had a taste for fancy pearls, and could guess the value of a pearl by holding it in his hand. He outlawed wearing pearls for most of Roman society, and gave a particularly large pearl to one of his mistresses. That pearl was worth six million sesterces, which is almost unimaginably expensive. Something about pearls really catches our eye, and Suetonius tells us that Julius Caesar’s invasion of Great Britain was motivated by his desire for pearls.
    4. Jesus told a story once about someone who was willing to sell everything he had to buy a single pearl. Those few sentences have had a broad effect on religions around the world. They also tell us something about the economy of fashion two millennia ago. Julius Caesar died a few decades before Jesus was born in a small part of the Roman Empire, so Jesus might well have been familiar with the elite Roman taste for pearls. Perhaps he had Julius Caesar in mind when he spoke of that man who sold everything. If so, that would turn Jesus' parable into a political commentary.

    If you know me, you know this is where I live: the intersection of classics, great texts, religion, invertebrate and riparian ecology, mathematics, and clean water. I need a simpler way to describe the intersection of my interests, but for this morning I’ll leave it at this:

    This morning I’m reading about pearls.

    Plato and Aristotle on Wonder

    Aristotle is famously acknowledged as the author of the claim that "philosophy begins in wonder." I'm not the first to point this out, but it bears repeating that the same claim in nearly the same words occurs in Plato's dialogue Theaetetus. Here is my quick translation of the passage I have in mind: 
    "My friend, Theodoros appears to have hit the mark [2] concerning your nature. For wonder is certainly the passion of a philosopher; for there is not another beginning of philosophy than this one, and the one who said that Iris [3] was born of Thaumas seems not to genealogize badly."  -- Plato, Theaetetus
    (Θεόδωρος γάρ͵ ὦ φίλε͵ φαίνεται οὐ κακῶς τοπάζειν περὶ τῆς φύσεώς σου. μάλα γὰρ φιλοσόφου τοῦτο τὸ πάθος͵ τὸ θαυμάζειν· οὐ γὰρ ἄλλη ἀρχὴ φιλοσοφίας ἢ αὕτη͵ καὶ ἔοικεν ὁ τὴν Ἶριν Θαύμαντος ἔκγονον φήσας οὐ κακῶς γενεαλογεῖν.) (Greek text from here.  Another English translation - Fowler's 1921 translation - here at Perseus.)

    [1] See his Metaphysics, 982b12. 
    [2] Literally, "not to aim badly."
    [3] Plato associates Iris with speech or dialectic, or with the kind of conversation that leads to discovery.

    Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

    After writing my previous post about tattoos in ancient languages, a former student reminded me that I also helped her track down a Latin text she wanted to have inked.  She wanted to use the phrase found in one of Newton's letters to Hooke, "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."  This is a funny phrase, one that gets repeated a lot and that has a number of variants. For example, Didacus Stella writes (In Luc. 10 tom. 2) 
    Pygmaei Gigantum humeris impositi plusquam ipsi gigantes vident
    ("Pygmies, placed on the shoulders of Giants, see further than the Giants themselves."  See footnote 20 of Alexandre Koyré's "An Unpublished Letter of Robert Hooke to Isaac Newton," Isis, Vol 43, No. 4 (Dec., 1952), pp312-33, U of Chicago Press.)

    It's a funny phrase because it can be used both boastfully and self-deprecatingly.  Newton, in his letter to Hooke, for instance, seems to boast that he sees farther than Hooke, but that he does so as a dwarf.

    It also appears in Bernard of Chartres, quoted by John of Salisbury in his Metalogicon.  One source I found has John saying this:
    Dicebat Bernardus Carnotensis nos esse quasi nanos, gigantium humeris incidentes, ut possimus plura eis et remotiora videre, non utique proprii visus acumine, aut eminentia corporis, sed quia in altum subvehimur et extollimur magnitudine gigantea. Et his facile acquieverim, quia artis praeparatitia et multos articulos veritatis tradunt artium praeceptores, etiam in introductionibus suis, aeque bene antiquis, et forte commodius. 
    ("Bernard of Chartres used to say that we are like dwarves, incidentes on the shoulders of giants, so that we might see more than they, and things further off...")

    That word incidentes bothered me, though, as did the genitive plural gigantium. Now, I am more of a Hellenist than a Latinist, so if you spot any errors in what I say here, I would be grateful for your corrections.  Gigas is a loan word from Greek, which might explain the two different genitive plurals, Gigantum being correct, but Gigantium appearing to follow the rules.  Incidentes just sounds funny, as though the dwarves had fallen upon the Giants - though it could indicate that the dwarves were fortunate enough to stumble upon the Giants; incido can have that meaning, after all.  But another text I have found has insidentes, which makes more sense to me, meaning "sitting upon" or "standing upon."

    As I said in my previous post, I am reluctant to take the responsibility for others' tattoos, but I have tentatively suggested that
    might fit the bill for her, "Dwarves standing upon the shoulders of giants."  If your Latin is better than mine, I welcome your corrections, especially before she makes this a permanent part of her skin.


    Written On The Skin

    One of the peculiar things about teaching Greek and knowing several other ancient languages is that people often come to me seeking help with tattoos.

    A few years ago a student named Brian came to me and asked "How do you say 'Suck Less' in Greek?"  Apparently this was a phrase that his running coach said to his team to inspire them to run better.

    As crude as the phrase is, I was intrigued by the problem of translation.  "In order to translate the phrase I'd have to know what you mean by it," I replied. I spent a little while explaining how it would be possible to say, for instance, that an infant should nurse less; or that one should inhale less strongly.  Or, if you pursue the more colloquial usage of the verb "suck," you might decide that it refers to poor behavior or - ahem - to a kind of erotic pleasure-giving in which the giver is thought to be demeaned by the giving.

    Eventually I made the case that if you want to say it in Classical Greek, it would make sense to say it in a way that attended to the use of words in that language, and pointed him to Plutarch's Sayings of Spartan Women as a source of pithy sayings about living and acting strenuously.  Ever since I took my first Greek class with Eve Adler at Middlebury College years ago, I've liked the phrase η ταν η επι τας, (at the link above, see #16 under "Other Spartan Women"; click on the Greek flag to see the full Greek text) which is often translated "Come back with your shield or upon it," meaning "Act virtuously in battle; either die with your weapons or win with your weapons, but do not throw them away in order to win your life at the expense of your virtue."  I like the Greek phrase for its Laconian pithiness.

    Of course, that one didn't quite make sense for a runner, so I showed him another from the same collection, κατα βημα της αρετης μεμνησο, or "With every step, remember [your] virtue."  ("Virtue" is not a perfect translation; you could translate it as "excellence" also.)

    Three years have passed since that conversation with Brian, but a few months ago he tracked me down and showed me his tattoo, which I rather like:

    In a new twist, last year another student asked me to help him find the Greek verb "give thanks" as it appears in I Thessalonians 5.18.  He didn't tell me what he planned to do with it, but when I saw him later that year at a wedding he showed me this, which he has tattooed on his wrist:

    The word you see is ευχαριστειτε, related to our word "Eucharist" and the modern Greek ευχαριστω, meaning "I thank you."

    I say this is a "new twist" because at least one passage in the Hebrew scriptures (Leviticus 19.28) appears to prohibit tattooing one's skin. Getting a tattoo, and in particular getting a tattoo of scripture, offers a bit of insight into one's hermeneutics.  If the Gospels prohibited tattoos, I doubt many Christians would get them, but since the prohibition comes in the Hebrew scriptures, and since it seems to be tied to particular practices of worship or enslavement that no longer seem relevant, many young Christians are untroubled by it.

    Recently one of my advisees showed me one of several tattoos she has recently acquired.  This one is a longer Biblical text, from the prophet Micah, chapter 6, verse 8.  I thought it interesting that she chose to get the Septuagint Greek rather than the Hebrew.  She knows and translates Biblical (Koine) Greek and so I suppose she felt closer to that language.  The text below means " do justice and to love mercy and to be ready/zealous to walk humbly with the Lord your God."

    I like that verse quite a lot.  If you don't know it, it begins by saying that this is what God asks of people.  It's the sort of description that makes religion sound less like a burden and more like a description of a life well-lived.

    I'm always reluctant to give advice about tattoos, because they're so permanent and so personal.  And when I do give advice, I always want to write footnotes about regional dialects and historical and textual variants, or about the difficulties of translation.  Quotes out of their native context so often seem lonely to me - such is my academic habit, of always seeing texts as living and moving and having their being* in nests and webs of other texts.  Perhaps that's why I've never been inked myself, and I doubt I ever will get a "tat."  I'm just not confident I've found words or an image that I'd want written on me forever.  Sometimes that feels virtuous because it's prudent; other times I wonder if that's not a moral failing on my part, like I should be willing to commit to something.  But I think for now I will remain uninked, and will continue to admire the commitments of my students.


    * For example: I am borrowing this phrase ("live and move and have their being") from St Paul in Acts 17.28; he, in turn, appears to be borrowing it from Epimenides, who writes Εν αυτω γαρ ζωμεν και κινουμεθα και εσμεν.  The phrase winds up being used in a number of other places, having been so eloquently translated into English by the King James Version of the Bible.  See, for example, its use in the Book of Common Prayer, and in the first line of the hymn "We Come O Christ To Thee."


    Update: a week or so after posting this I ran into the mother of one of the people whose tattoos are shown above.  She thanked me, though I am not sure whether she was thanking me for helping her son get a tattoo, or for helping him to get the grammar right. 

    Drones and Virtue

    My latest article, on UAV (drone) warfare and virtue ethics, co-authored with John Kaag. It's behind a paywall, but your local library might have a subscription to the Chronicle of Higher Education where you can see it in print (in the Chronicle Review, March 11, 2013) or through their library website.

    Books Worth Reading

    After my recent post about great books, pedagogy and hope I've had some queries about what I'm reading and what I recommend.

    I'm reluctant to make book recommendations because I think what you read should have some connection to what you care about and what you've already read.  In general, my recommendations are these:

    First, I agree with what C.S. Lewis once said:* it's good to read old books.  Old books and books written by people who are not like us have a remarkable power of helping us to see the world with fresh eyes.

    Second, let your reading grow organically.  If you liked a book you read, let it lead you to the next book you read.  Often, books name their connections to other books.  Or authors will name those connections, dependencies, and appreciations.  The first time I read Lewis's Out of the Silent Planet, I missed the fact that the preface named H.G. Wells and that the afterword referred to Bernardus Silvestris.  When I read it again as an adult, I caught those obvious references and let them lead me to other books.**
    Third, I recommend learning the classics.  That's an intentionally vague term, and I use it to mean that it's good to know those books that have given your culture its vocabulary.  People who have stories in common have enriched possibilities for conversation.  One of my favorite Star Trek episodes explored this idea, and it appealed to me because I believe that it's not far from how language really grows. If you need a place to start, check out one of the various lists of "great books" floating around out there.  For instance this one, or this one.

    With all that being said, if you're still interested in what I'm reading, here are some older titles I've enjoyed in the last year or so:
    • Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway. (Mixed feelings about this one. My mind enjoyed it more than my aesthetic sense did, if that makes sense.)
    • John Steinbeck, Cannery Row and Of Mice and Men. (I discovered Steinbeck late in life, thanks to a friend's recommendation.  I've also recently read his Log From The Sea of Cortez and Travels With Charley In Search Of America.  I think these two will forever shape me as a writer.)
    • Graham Greene, Our Man In Havana, The Quiet American, The Honorary Consul, Travels With My Aunt, The Power And The Glory. (I will let the number of titles speak for itself.) 
    • Alan Paton, Cry, The Beloved Country. (I was surprised by how contemporary this old book felt, and by how relevant to America an African book could feel.) 
    • The Táin. Because I have a thing for reading really old books, and this is one of the oldest from Europe.
    And here are some of the more recent books I've enjoyed:
    • China Miéville, Kraken(London. Magical realism.  Bizarre and witty.)
    • J. Mark Bertrand, Back On Murder (I don't read many detective novels, but I really enjoy Bertrand's prose.)
    • Cormac McCarthy, The Road. (The final lines spoke to my salvelinus fontinalis -loving heart.)
    • David James Duncan, The River Why (I've re-read this one a few times.  If you like trout and philosophy, you might like this book.)
    • Mary Karr, Lit. (Third in a series of memoirs. Some of the best storytelling I've read in a long time. Brilliant insights into addiction, love, and prayer.)


    * Lewis said this in his introduction to Athanasius' On The Incarnation (which, by the way, is now available from SVS Press in a dual-language edition, Greek on one page, English on the facing page.)

    ** There are two excellent books on Lewis' "Space Trilogy" or (as I think it should be called) "Ransom Trilogy":  This one by Sanford Schwartz, and this one by David Downing.

    I realize I'm posting a lot about Great Books and St John's College lately.  I'll stop soon.  They don't pay me for this; I'm just a grateful alumnus.

    Update, 8/11/14: I've posted another list like this one on my blog, with new recommendations.  You can find it here.