Published Essays and Articles
A Meditation on Trout Fishing (Hothouse, Issue 17, 28 December 2020)
"The Sentiment that Invites Us to Pray: The Religious Aspect of Charles Peirce’s Philosophy"
(Journal of Scriptural Reasoning, Vol. 16, No. 1, June 2017) (There's a link to a PDF version at the end of the article as well.)
"Remembering Almanzo -- And El Manzoor"
(Op-Ed essay, Argus Leader, March 2, 2017)
"Big Brains, Small Minds"
(With John Kaag, in Chronicle of Higher Education, May 13, 2016)
"What Thucydides Can Teach Us About Imperial Overreach."
(With John Kaag, in Ethics and International Affairs.)
"When We Choose To See Them."
(A reflection on a beggar I met in Paris 25 years ago. Sojourners blog, November 2014)
"Hit The Road, Philosophy."
(On the importance of engaged philosophy, written with John Kaag, Times Higher Education, February 2014)
"Hire Someone Who Can Teach You, Too"
(On academic hiring and search committees, Chronicle of Higher Education, February 2014)
"Sioux Falls, South Dakota"
(Orion Magazine, "The Place Where You Live." Online November 2013, in print Spring 2014)
"Not The Weapons But What They Defend"
(Sojourners blog, September 2013)
"What We Need Right Now"
(Sojourners blog, September 2013)
"The Day Picasso Made Me Fall Down"
(On art and education, Chronicle of Higher Education, August 2013)
"In Awe of the Living God: Against Reducing Religion to Belief"
(Review essay on Howard Wettstein's Significance of Religious Experience, in Books and Culture, July/August 2013)
"What Jesus Didn't Say"
(Sojourners blog, May 2013)
"Friends With Benefits"
(On collaboration in the humanities, written with John Kaag, Chronicle of Higher Education, May 2013.)
"Don't Worship the Monsters"
(Sojourners blog, April 2013)
"In the Shadow of Drones"
(On drones and virtue, with John Kaag, Chronicle of Higher Education, March 2013)
"Armed in Anxiety: What Philosophy Can Tell Us About Guns"
(On guns, fear, and virtue ethics, in The Chronicle of Higher Education, February 2013)
"Boredom and Curiosity"
(Convocation, Augustana College, 2013)
"Why Philosophers Don't Get Invited to Preach Twice" (pdf)
(On the Areopagus in Acts 17: St Paul, Philosophy, and Literature)
"Sage Creek" (Issue 10 of Written River, May 2016)
"The Last Time I Saw Mingus"
Other Academic Writing
My doctoral dissertation
My Amazon Author Page
How Robot Priests Will Change Human Spirituality (Medium / OneZero, 3 January 2020)
Could a Robot Have a Mystical Experience? (Medium / OneZero, 20 September 2019)
Bristol Bay and Pebble Mine: Mutual Flourishing or Midas’ Touch
Could a Robot Have a Mystical Experience? (Medium / OneZero, 20 September 2019)
Bristol Bay and Pebble Mine: Mutual Flourishing or Midas’ Touch
(Open Peer Commentary, in Ethics, Policy, & Environment. 21 March 2018.)
"The Sentiment that Invites Us to Pray: The Religious Aspect of Charles Peirce’s Philosophy"
(Journal of Scriptural Reasoning, Vol. 16, No. 1, June 2017) (There's a link to a PDF version at the end of the article as well.)
"Remembering Almanzo -- And El Manzoor"
(Op-Ed essay, Argus Leader, March 2, 2017)
"Big Brains, Small Minds"
(With John Kaag, in Chronicle of Higher Education, May 13, 2016)
"What Thucydides Can Teach Us About Imperial Overreach."
(With John Kaag, in Ethics and International Affairs.)
"When We Choose To See Them."
(A reflection on a beggar I met in Paris 25 years ago. Sojourners blog, November 2014)
"Hit The Road, Philosophy."
(On the importance of engaged philosophy, written with John Kaag, Times Higher Education, February 2014)
"Hire Someone Who Can Teach You, Too"
(On academic hiring and search committees, Chronicle of Higher Education, February 2014)
"Sioux Falls, South Dakota"
(Orion Magazine, "The Place Where You Live." Online November 2013, in print Spring 2014)
"Not The Weapons But What They Defend"
(Sojourners blog, September 2013)
"What We Need Right Now"
(Sojourners blog, September 2013)
"The Day Picasso Made Me Fall Down"
(On art and education, Chronicle of Higher Education, August 2013)
"In Awe of the Living God: Against Reducing Religion to Belief"
(Review essay on Howard Wettstein's Significance of Religious Experience, in Books and Culture, July/August 2013)
"What Jesus Didn't Say"
(Sojourners blog, May 2013)
"Friends With Benefits"
(On collaboration in the humanities, written with John Kaag, Chronicle of Higher Education, May 2013.)
"Don't Worship the Monsters"
(Sojourners blog, April 2013)
"In the Shadow of Drones"
(On drones and virtue, with John Kaag, Chronicle of Higher Education, March 2013)
"Armed in Anxiety: What Philosophy Can Tell Us About Guns"
(On guns, fear, and virtue ethics, in The Chronicle of Higher Education, February 2013)
"Boredom and Curiosity"
(Convocation, Augustana College, 2013)
"Why Philosophers Don't Get Invited to Preach Twice" (pdf)
(On the Areopagus in Acts 17: St Paul, Philosophy, and Literature)
"Sage Creek" (Issue 10 of Written River, May 2016)
"The Last Time I Saw Mingus"
Other Academic Writing
My doctoral dissertation
My Amazon Author Page