Soon I hope to be able to point you to the online presence of the Inter-American Philosophic Review, edited by Gregorio Pappas at Texas A&M.  For now, I’ll begin with two other sites of interest: La red filosófica de Costa Rica, edited by Jethro Masís, and Cognitio Estudos, published at the Pontifical University of São Paulo.

Pappas has been instrumental in putting together an upcoming conference in February of 2010, the First International Conference on Pragmatism and the Hispanic/Latino World. It looks like it will be especially good.

Here’s a link to the Centro de estudios de filosofía analítica.

And while this doesn’t count as Latin American, the Grupo de Estudios Peirceanos at the Universidad de Navarra, in Pamplona, Spain, does a nice job of linking together other Spanish-speaking philosophers, especially those interested in Pragmatism.

I welcome comments making additions to this list.